CivilComputer ScienceElectronicsInformation TechnologyMechanicalTelecommunication


IJECSCSE IMPACT FACTOR, Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF) = 4.526

IJECSCSE IMPACT FACTOR, Journal Impact Factor(JIF) = 2.02

IJECSCSE IMPACT FACTOR, Info Base Index Factor(IBI) = 2.8

Volume 5, Issue 1 :>Last Date of Submission– 15-May-2019

Special Issue of IJECSCSE -Annual IETE Convention 2K18 on “Smart Engineering for Sustainable Development” :>Published

Special Issue of IJECSCSE IETE Zonal Seminar “Techno-Socio Development through Women Empowerment “- 2018 :>Published

International Journal Of Electronics,Communication And Soft Computing Science & Engineering (IJECSCSE) is an academic open access online journal which is approved by National Science Library (NSL),National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR),Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,New Delhi,India.

IJECSCSE is peer reviewed online journal with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting original cutting edge research related to computational intelligence and its applications which gains a foot hold in India and opens to the world.

It aims to promote the integration of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. Submitted papers will be reviewed by core committees of IJECSCSE.

To bridge the gap of users who do not have access to major databases where one should pay for every downloaded article; this online publication platform is open to all readers as part of our commitment to global scientific environment.

ISSN: 2277-9477 (Online)

Frequency: 06 Issues per year


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